Hosting Council Guided Meditation

May this meditation connect you with three distinct, related, and important aspects of your spirituality.

Hosting Council Guided Meditation

I've been pondering the differences and intersections between "spirituality" and "religion." I think, at it's best, religion serves as a container to hold our spiritual experiences and helps us systematize our traditions and language for how we connect with God/the Divine/that which is beyond our humanness. At it's worst, well, you get the Crusades and the Nazi. In less obvious but still harmful ways, religion can stifle spirituality in favor of following the rules and fitting in those human-made containers.

I think for people who are "spiritual," religion can be a dirty word. And for those who are "religious," they may scoff at those who find themselves outside of the bounds of any one container.

I find myself holding these things in tension. Seeing the beauty and value of the religious tradition that was so lovingly passed down to me, yet also acknowledging the ways in which I thought I had to stifle my own unique spirituality in order to conform. I feel like I don't really fit anywhere, stuck somewhere in the world between, holding space for nuance. I suppose that's why I'm drawn to meditation, it helps to shake me out of the black and white and become present to the REAL.

This meditation is designed to help you connect with your Self, the support of those who love you, and with God.

Click here to listen to the meditation.

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