"When you meet the Buddha, kill him."
Yes, of course, we want to learn from mentors and elders, but ultimately, those people are only human themselves with their own limited perspectives.

I have the words “you know what to do” tattooed on my inner right wrist. They propel me forward many days as I press into following dreams that I have been too scared to chase for years.
I have always been an excellent judge of character. In Christianity we call that discernment, and it’s also known as having a really low bullsh** tolerance level. Just ask my sisters–they would often hear me complain about friends of theirs in high school or college that I thought weren’t worth their time. I don’t think I’ve ever fallen under the influence of someone who others like just because they’re “cool.”
Over the past 6 years especially, that discernment has started to turn a bit cynical; a mistrust toward people who have power, money, and influence. I feel justified with a perspective that goes something like “guilty until proven innocent.” At the very least, I’m gonna be wary.