Waning Moon Guided Meditation

May this meditation help you embody gratitude for the light and the dark and release what you no longer need.

Waning Moon Guided Meditation

The Waning Moon corresponds with the sorceress archetype. Also known as the wild woman or the medicine woman, she represents our intuition, our intellect, and the creative powers that each of us has within us. We have a tendency to stifle the energy of the wild woman because our culture has gaslit us into ignoring our intuition–writing it off as "PMS symptoms."

If we push down our true, natural emotions, they can turn into destructive behavior. Our bodies scream at us to listen. The wild woman asks us to begin to turn inward. She asks us to hold space for all parts of ourselves, to reflect and accept and integrate so that we know how to make changes toward peace and wholeness. During this time, listen intently to what your body is telling you, and act accordingly with self-love and care. Let the waning moon remind you that there's room for the light and the dark within you.

Click here to listen to the meditation.

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